Jenne, Nicole

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Dr. Nicole Jenne is Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where is currently serving as director of the Center of Asian Studies UC.

She received her PhD from the European University Institute, Florence. Nicole is Co-Editor of the journal Contemporary Security Policy and Co-Chair of the Section Defense, Public Security and Democracy of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Nicole’s expertise is on different issues of international security in the context of Latin America and Southeast Asia, including civil-military relations, the military’s role in politics, peace operations and sociological perspectives on the military.

She is the author of “The Domestic Origins of No-War Communities: How State Capacity Influences de Management of Conflict in South America and Southeast Asia”, forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, and co-editor, together with Alan Chong, of “Asian Military Evolutions: Civil-Military Relations in Asia”, published with Bristol University Press (2023).



Recent Publications








  • ‘Who leads peace operations? A new dataset on leadership positions in UN peace operations, 1948–2019’, Journal of Peace Research, 2022.

  • ‘Domestic military missions in Latin America: Civil-military relations and the perpetuation of democratic deficits’, con Rafael Martínez, European Journal of International Security, 7(1), 2022.

  • ‘Filling the Void: Indo-Pacific Regional Multilateralism as a Solution for the Asia-Pacific Problem of Order?’, con Christian Wirth, Contemporary Security Policy, 43(2), 2022.

  • ‘Hedging and grand strategy in Southeast Asian foreign policy’, con David Martin Jones, International Relations of the Asia Pacific, 22(2), 2022.

  • ‘Narratives Around Civil–Military Cooperation: How Institutionalized Discourses Influence Learning in Peace Operations’, Armed Forces & Society, 2022.

  • ‘Operational experiences, military role conceptions, and their influence on civil-military relations’, con Christoph Harig y Chiara Ruffa, European Journal of International Security 7(1), 2022.

  • ‘The origins of regional ideas: international law, external legitimization and Latin America’s “legalismo”’, Journal of the History of International Law, 2022.

  • ‘Whose rules? Whose power? The Global South and the possibility to shape international peacekeeping norms through leadership appointments’, con Christoph Harig, Review of International Studies, 2022.

  • ‘Controlling blue berets: the consequences of political neglect in the case of Uruguay’s participation in peacekeeping’, con Julián Gonzalez, Armed Forces & Society 47(3), 2021.

  • ‘Nosotras nos adaptamos, quienes se hacen problemas son los hombres: Las oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas de Chile’, Revista Política y Estrategia 138, 2021.

  • ‘Security and Defence Policy Guidelines: A new dataset’, con Sebastián Briones, Defence and Security Analysis 37(3), 2021.

  • ‘The domestic origins of no-war communities’, Journal of International Relations and Development 24(1), 2021.

  • ‘The value of security cooperation in Sino–South American relations’, Asian Education and Development Studies 10(3), 2021.

  • ‘Bridging the Pacific Ocean? Tactical manoeuvring instead of grand strategy in Chile’s foreign policy towards Southeast Asia’, Asian Politics and Policy 12(2), 2020.

  • ‘By all necessary means? How civil-military knowledge imbalances influence emerging powers’ stance on the use of force in peacekeeping’, con Rafael Duarte, Contemporary Security Policy 41(3), 2020.

  • ‘Civilianizing the armed forces? Peacekeeping, a traditional mission for the military’ Defence Studies, 20(2), 2020.

  • ‘Female peacekeepers: UNSC Resolution 1325 and the persistence of gender stereotypes in Chile’, con Fiorella Ulloa, International Peacekeeping 28(1), 2020.

  • ‘Velvet Fists: The Paradox of Defence Diplomacy in Southeast Asia’, con Jun Yan Chang, European Journal of Security Studies5(3), 2020.

  • ‘¿Aumenta la participación en operaciones de paz la capacidad de las fuerzas armadas en interactuar con actores civiles? Una evaluación del aprendizaje en el caso de las Fuerzas Armadas chilenas’, Estudos Internacionais 8(2), 2020.

  • ‘Getting prepared to be prepared: How interpersonal skills aid fieldwork in challenging contexts’, with Carla Alberti, Qualitative Sociology Review 15(3), 2019.

  • ‘Hegemonic Distortions: The Securitisation of the Insurgency in Thailand’s Deep South’, con Jun Yan Chang, TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 7(2), 2019.

  • ‘Peacekeeping, Latin America and the UN Charter’s Chapter VIII: Past Initiatives and Future Prospects’, International Peacekeeping 26(3), 2019.

  • ‘When conquest would have paid: domestic mobilization and political constraints in the Thai-Cambodian border conflict 2008-2011’, Global Change, Peace & Security 1(30), 2018.

  • ’Managing Territorial Disputes in Southeast Asia: Is There More than the South China Sea?’, Journal Of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 3(36), 2017.

  • ‘Of words and deeds: Latin American declaratory regionalism, 1994-2014’, con Luis Schenoni y Francisco Urdinez, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 30(2-3), 2017.

  • ‘The Thai–Cambodian Border Dispute: An Agency-centred Perspective on the Management of Interstate Conflict’, Contemporary Southeast Asia 39(2), 2017.

  • ‘Weak states’ regionalism: ASEAN and the limits of security cooperation in Pacific Asia’, con David Martin Jones, International Relations of the Asia Pacific 15(3), 2015.


Chapters of books




Courses Taught





  • ICP0301: Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales




  • ICP5433: Relaciones Internacionales del Este de Asia




  • ICP7020: Transformaciones de guerra.

  • ICP5861: Seguridad internacional.