Artículos en Revistas

Figueroa, Valentín

Figueroa, Valentín

Agglomeration and Creativity in Early Modern Britain” Explorations in Economic History Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

Narratives Around Civil–Military Cooperation: How Institutionalized Discourses Influence Learning in Peace Operations Armed Forces and Society Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

How peacekeeping has reshaped Latin America International Affairs Ver publicación
Palanza, Valeria;  Gisela Sin and Reynolds, Evangeline

Palanza, Valeria; Gisela Sin and Reynolds, Evangeline

Line-item vetoes as a coordination mechanism Legislative Studies Quarterly Ver publicación
Palanza, Valeria and Sotomayor Patricia

Palanza, Valeria and Sotomayor Patricia

Chile’s failed constitutional intent: Polarization, fragmentation, haste and delegitimization Global Constitutionalism Ver publicación
Huertas-Hernández, Sergio and Palanza, Valeria

Huertas-Hernández, Sergio and Palanza, Valeria

“Lawmaking and Presidential Attributes in the Chilean Constitution: What's the Urgency?" PS: Political Science and Politics Ver publicación
Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

Sieyès’s Idea of Constituent Power: A Moderate and Illiberal Idea of Sovereignty in the French Revolution History of European Ideas Ver publicación
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine; Suárez-Cao Julieta and Arce-Riffo, Javiera

Reyes-Housholder, Catherine; Suárez-Cao Julieta and Arce-Riffo, Javiera

“The Puzzle of Chile’s Resilient Support for Gender Parity" PS: Political Science and Politics Ver publicación
Disi Pavlic, Rodolfo; Paredes Valentina and Reyes-Housholder,  Catherine

Disi Pavlic, Rodolfo; Paredes Valentina and Reyes-Housholder, Catherine

Gender Protests and Transgressive Tactics Social Protest and Conflict in Radical Neoliberalism Ver publicación
Rovira, Cristóbal and Taggart, Paul

Rovira, Cristóbal and Taggart, Paul

The Populist Radical Right and the Pandemic Government and Opposition Ver publicación
Rovira, Cristóbal

Rovira, Cristóbal

“The Transformation of the Mainstream Right in Europe. Implications for Social Democracy” Bruselas: Foundation for European Progressive Studies Ver publicación
Rovira, Cristóbal; Salas-Lewin, Rocío and Zanotti, Lisa

Rovira, Cristóbal; Salas-Lewin, Rocío and Zanotti, Lisa

Supporting and rejecting the populist radical right: Evidence from contemporary Chile Nations and Nationalism Ver publicación
Heiss, Claudia and Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Heiss, Claudia and Suárez-Cao, Julieta

"Introduction to the Symposium, “Constitution-Making in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Chilean Process” PS: Political Science and Politics Ver publicación
Suárez-Cao, Julieta and Piscopo, Jennifer

Suárez-Cao, Julieta and Piscopo, Jennifer

New institutions, new actors, new rules: gender parity and feminist constitution writing in Chile European Journal of Politics and Gender Ver publicación
Urdinez, Francisco

Urdinez, Francisco

Undermining U.S. reputation: Chinese vaccines and aid and the alternative provision of public goods during COVID-19 The Review of International Organizations Ver publicación
Giraudy, Agustina; Urdinez, Francisco and Freites, Andrea

Giraudy, Agustina; Urdinez, Francisco and Freites, Andrea

Undermining U.S. reputation: Chinese vaccines and aid and the alternative provision of public goods during COVID-19 The Extractive Industries and Society Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole and Chang, Jun Yan

Jenne, Nicole and Chang, Jun Yan

Pendulum swings rather than paradigm shifts: Southeast Asia’s securitisations and the Global War on Terror European Journal of International Security Ver publicación

Palestini, Stefano and Martinelli, Erica

Palestini, Stefano and Martinelli, Erica

Enforcing peoples’ right to democracy: transnational activism and regional powers in contemporary Inter-American relations European Journal of International Relations. Ver publicación
Reyes - Housholder, Catherine; Suárez-Cao, Julieta and Le Foulon, Carmen

Reyes - Housholder, Catherine; Suárez-Cao, Julieta and Le Foulon, Carmen

Unpacking the Gendered Consequences of Protest-Driven Crises Politics & Gender Ver publicación
Alberti, Carla and Mattiace, Shannan

Alberti, Carla and Mattiace, Shannan

Indigenous autonomy and Latin American state security in contexts of criminal violence: the cases of Cauca in Colombia and Guerrero in Mexico Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Ver publicación
Altman, David; Huertas, Sergio & Sánchez T., Clemente

Altman, David; Huertas, Sergio & Sánchez T., Clemente

Two paths towards the exceptional extension of national voting rights to non-citizen residents Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Ver publicación
Altman, David; Díaz, Juan; Engel, Eduardo & Peña, Benjamin

Altman, David; Díaz, Juan; Engel, Eduardo & Peña, Benjamin

Citizens’ Stability of Electoral Preferences in Chile Since the Social Upheaval Journal of Politics in Latin America Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut

Aydin, Umut

Embracing policy innovations from abroad: the role of learning in Chile’s anti-cartel reforms Policy & Politics Ver publicación
Figueroa, Valentín

Figueroa, Valentín

“The Protestant Road to Bureaucracy” World Politics Ver publicación
Figueroa, Valentín & Tuñon, Guadalupe

Figueroa, Valentín & Tuñon, Guadalupe

“Oppression Beyond Plantations: The Effect of Emancipation on Incarceration in Urban Buenos Aires” Journal of Politics Ver publicación
Figueroa, Valentín

Figueroa, Valentín

Does Proportionality Increase Turnout? A Study of Adaptation to Oscillating Electoral Systems Comparative political studies Ver publicación
Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

Anti-liberalism, Civil War and dictatorship: Carl Schmitt and his intellectual influence on the Francoist ideologists (1939–1942) Intellectual History Review Ver publicación
Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

Pérez-Crespo, Carlos

An Apocalyptic Speech Outlining a Theory of Dictatorship: Carl Schmitt Inspired by Juan Donoso Cortés Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History, Feminist Theory Ver publicación
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine

Reyes-Housholder, Catherine

Gender, corruption, and presidential politics Political Science and Public Policy Ver publicación
 Wegscheider , Carsten; Rovira, Cristóbal and Van Hauwaert, Steven M.

Wegscheider , Carsten; Rovira, Cristóbal and Van Hauwaert, Steven M.

How citizens’ conceptions of democracy relate to positive and negative partisanship towards populist parties West European Politics Ver publicación
Scarfi, Juan Pablo and  Ubelaker, Lisa

Scarfi, Juan Pablo and Ubelaker, Lisa

Peripheral Interventions in Global History: Toward a History of Argentina outside of Argentina Latin American Research Review Ver publicación
Scarfi, Juan Pablo

Scarfi, Juan Pablo

The IDI, The ILA, and their Impact on the Institutionalization of International Law in the Americas: Resonances and Dissonances American Journal of International Law Unbound Ver publicación
Scarfi, Juan Pablo

Scarfi, Juan Pablo

The Monroe Doctrine in the Americas: Towards a Hemispheric Intellectual History Diplomatic History Ver publicación
Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Suárez-Cao, Julieta

"Women Just Wanna Have Quotas: The Gender Divide on Affirmative Action in the Chilean Right” Colombia Internacional Ver publicación
Pauselli, Gino; Urdínez, Francisco & Merke, Federico

Pauselli, Gino; Urdínez, Francisco & Merke, Federico

Shaping the liberal international order from the inside: A natural experiment on China’s influence in the UN human rights council Research and Politics Ver publicación
Urdinez, Francisco

Urdinez, Francisco

“They own our country!” voter reaction to anti-China rhetoric: The case of the presidential election in Brazil in 2018 Electoral Studies Ver publicación

Gillooly,  Shauna

Gillooly, Shauna

Legacies of Political Violence and Voter Behavior in Colombia The Journal of Peacebuilding and Developmentp Ver publicación
Gillooly,  Shauna

Gillooly, Shauna

A Woman’s Place Is at the Negotiating Table: Evidence from Colombian Peace Processes Latin American Research Review Ver publicación
Erlandsen, M., Hernández-Garza, M. F., & Schulz, C. A.

Erlandsen, M., Hernández-Garza, M. F., & Schulz, C. A.

Madame President, Madame Ambassador? Women Presidents and Gender Parity in Latin America’s Diplomatic Services Political Research Quarterly Ver publicación
Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Blessing in Disguise? How the Gendered Division of Labor in Political Science Helped Achieved Gender Parity in the Chilean Constitutional Assembly Politics & Gender. Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

The Origins of Regional Ideas: International Law, External Legitimization and Latin America’s ‘legalismo’. Journal of the History of International Law Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

Who leads peace operations? A new dataset on leadership positions in UN peace operations, 1948–2019.  Journal of Peace Research. Ver publicación
Alberti, Carla; Díaz-Rioseco, Diego and Visconti, Giancarlo

Alberti, Carla; Díaz-Rioseco, Diego and Visconti, Giancarlo

Can political alignment reduce crime? Evidence from Chile. Political Science Research and Methods. Ver publicación
Agostinis, Giovanni and Closa, Carlos

Agostinis, Giovanni and Closa, Carlos

Democracies’ support for illiberal regimes through sovereignty-protective regional institutions: the case of UNASUR’s electoral accompaniment missions. European Journal of International Relations. Ver publicación
Altman, David

Altman, David

Adjusting democracy indices to the age of mass migration: voting rights of denizens and expats Contemporary Politics Ver publicación
Mardones, Rodrigo

Mardones, Rodrigo

“El declive de la influencia política de la Iglesia Católica en Chile” La Crisis de la Iglesia en Chile. Mirar las Heridas Ver publicación
Balcells, Laia; Palanza Valeria and Voytas, Elsa

Balcells, Laia; Palanza Valeria and Voytas, Elsa

Do Transitional Justice Museums Persuade Visitors? Evidence from a Field Experiment The Journal of Politics Ver publicación
Scarfi, Juan Pablo

Scarfi, Juan Pablo

Francisco de Vitoria and the (geo)politics of canonization in Spain/America Leiden Journal of International Law Ver publicación
Gachúz, Juan Carlos and Urdinez, Francisco

Gachúz, Juan Carlos and Urdinez, Francisco

Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in the China–Latin American Relations in the Context of the US–China Trade War and the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Ver publicación
Telias, Diego and Urdinez, Francisco

Telias, Diego and Urdinez, Francisco

China’s Foreign Aid Political Drivers: Lessons from a Novel Dataset of Mask Diplomacy in Latin America during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Ver publicación

Agostinis, Giovanni

Agostinis, Giovanni

Resilience to crisis and resistance to change: a comparative analysis of the determinants of crisis outcomes in Latin American regional organisations. International Relations. Ver publicación
Agostinis, Giovanni and Kevin Parthenay

Agostinis, Giovanni and Kevin Parthenay

Exploring the determinants of regional health governance modes in the Global South: A comparative analysis of Central and South America. Review of International Studies. Ver publicación
Agostinis, Giovanni and Urdinez, Francisco

Agostinis, Giovanni and Urdinez, Francisco

The Nexus between Authoritarian and Environmental Regionalism: An Analysis of China’s Driving Role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Problems of post-communism. Ver publicación
Alberti, Carla; Diego Díaz and Giancarlo Visconti

Alberti, Carla; Diego Díaz and Giancarlo Visconti

Gendered bureaucracies: Women mayors and the size and composition of local governments. Governance. Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut

Aydin, Umut

Emerging middle powers and the liberal international order. International Affairs. Ver publicación
Donoso, Alfonso

Donoso, Alfonso

Valor Intrínseco en Antártica Revista Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares Ver publicación
Donoso, Alfonso

Donoso, Alfonso

Toward a New Framework for Rights of the Biotic Community Rights of Nature Ver publicación
Figueroa, Valentín

Figueroa, Valentín

The consolidation of royal control: evidence from northern Castile, 1352–1787 European Review of Economic History Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

Operational experiences, military role conceptions, and their influence on civil-military relations. European Journal of International Security. 2021 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

Domestic military missions in Latin America: Civil-military relations and the perpetuation of democratic. European Journal of International Security. 2021 Ver publicación
Le Foulon ,Carmen and Reyes-Housholder, Catherine

Le Foulon ,Carmen and Reyes-Housholder, Catherine

Candidate sex, corruption and vote choice Electoral Studies Ver publicación
Luna, Juan Pablo, Sebastián Huneeus, Sergio Toro, Diego Sazo, Daniel Cruz, Andrés Alcatruz, Bryan Castillo, Camila Bertranou & Javier Cisterna

Luna, Juan Pablo, Sebastián Huneeus, Sergio Toro, Diego Sazo, Daniel Cruz, Andrés Alcatruz, Bryan Castillo, Camila Bertranou & Javier Cisterna

Much Ado About Facebook? Evidence from 80 Congressional Campaigns in Chile. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 2021 Ver publicación
Magar Eric; Palanza, Valeria and Sin, Gisela

Magar Eric; Palanza, Valeria and Sin, Gisela

Presidents on the Fast Track: Fighting Floor Amendments with Restrictive Rules The Journal of Politics Ver publicación
Mardones, Rodrigo & Marinovic, Alejandra

Mardones, Rodrigo & Marinovic, Alejandra

Educating in Politics, Democracy and Citizenship: The Challenges of Chilean Catholic Schools Catholic Education in Latin America Ver publicación
Mittiga, Ross

Mittiga, Ross

Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change. American Political Science Review. 2021 Ver publicación
Negretto, Gabriel

Negretto, Gabriel

Deepening Democracy? Promises and challenges of Chile’s Road to a New Constitution. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 2021 Ver publicación
Palestini, Stefano

Palestini, Stefano

Latin America in Global International Relations. Edited By Amitav Acharya Melisa Deciancio, Diana Tussie. 2021. Routledge Ver publicación
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine; Thomas, Gwynn

Reyes-Housholder, Catherine; Thomas, Gwynn

Gendered Incentives, Party Support, and Viable Female Presidential Candidates in Latin America Comparative Politics Ver publicación
Schulz, Carsten-Andreas & Long, Tom

Schulz, Carsten-Andreas & Long, Tom

Republican internationalism: the nineteenth-century roots of Latin American contributions to international order. Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2021 Ver publicación
Súarez-Cao, Julieta

Súarez-Cao, Julieta

Reconstructing Legitimacy After Crisis: The Chilean Path to a New Constitution. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 2021 Ver publicación
Urdinez, Francisco & Long, Tom

Urdinez, Francisco & Long, Tom

Status at the Margins: Why Paraguay Recognizes Taiwan and Shuns China. Foreign Policy Analysis. 17 (1). 2021 Ver publicación

Agostinis, Giovanni & Palestini, Stefano

Agostinis, Giovanni & Palestini, Stefano

"Transnational governance in motion: Regional development banks, power politics, and the rise and fall of South America's infrastructure integration." Governance. 2020 Ver publicación
Altman, David

Altman, David

"Checking Executive Personalism: Collegial Governments and the Level of Democracy". Swiss Political Science Review. 26 (3): 316-338. 2020 Ver publicación
Altman, David &  Jenne, Nicole

Altman, David & Jenne, Nicole

"Uruguay: no country for a military?". Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. 2020 Ver publicación
Altman, David; Rojas de Galarreta, Federico & Urdinez, Francisco

Altman, David; Rojas de Galarreta, Federico & Urdinez, Francisco

"An interactive model of democratic peace". Journal of Peace Research. 2020 Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut

Aydin, Umut

"Attitudes toward Collusion in Chile". Journal of Competition Law & Economics. 2020 Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut with Tapia, Javier

Aydin, Umut with Tapia, Javier

"Chile: A hybrid competition law and policy model". Concurrences 3: 204-208. 2020 Ver publicación
Donoso, Alfonso

Donoso, Alfonso

New Politics: Sovereignty, Representation, and the Nonhuman Global Changes: Ethics, Politics and Environment in the Contemporary Technological World Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

" ¿Aumenta la participación en operaciones de paz la capacidad de las fuerzas armadas en interactuar con...". Estudos Internacionais 8(2). 2020 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

"Bridging the Pacific Ocean? Tactical Maneuvering Instead of Grand Strategy in Chile’s Foreign Policy toward Southeast Asia.". Asian Politics & Policy. 2020 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

"The value of security cooperation in Sino-South American relations". Asian Education and Development Studies. 2020 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole  & Ulloa, Fiorella

Jenne, Nicole & Ulloa, Fiorella

"Female Peacekeepers: UNSC Resolution 1325 and the Persistence of Gender Stereotypes in the Chilean Armed Forces". Journal International Peacekeeping. 2020 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole with Chang, J. Y.

Jenne, Nicole with Chang, J. Y.

"Female Peacekeepers: UNSC Resolution 1325 and the Persistence of Gender Stereotypes in the Chilean Armed Forces". Velvet fists: The paradox of defence diplomacy in Southeast Asia. 2020 Ver publicación
Mardones, Rodrigo

Mardones, Rodrigo

The Politics of Citizenship Education in Chile The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education Ver publicación

Agostinis, Giovanni

Agostinis, Giovanni

Regional Intergovernmental Organizations as Catalysts for Transnational Policy Diffusion: The Case of UNASUR Health JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 57 (5): 1111-1129. 2019 Ver publicación
Alberti, Carla

Alberti, Carla

"Populist multiculturalism in the Andes: Balancing political control and societal autonomy" Comparative Politics. 52 (1): 43-63. 2019 Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut

Aydin, Umut

Rule‐takers, rule‐makers, or rule‐promoters? Turkey and Mexico's role as rising middle powers in global economic governance Regulation & Governance. 2019 Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut

Aydin, Umut

"Regional Organizations and Durable Domestic Reforms?: The NAFTA, EU and Competition Laws in Mexico and Turkey" Journal of European Integration. 41 (6): 745-761. 2019 Ver publicación
Aydin, Umut with Figueroa, Nicolás

Aydin, Umut with Figueroa, Nicolás

"The Chilean Anti-cartel Experience: Accomplishments and Challenges" Review of Industrial Organization 54(2): 327–352. 2019 Ver publicación
Donoso, Alfonso

Donoso, Alfonso

"A Territorial Mediation in a Triangular Affair. Towards an Ecological Territorial Sovereignty” Controversies in Latin American Bioethics (Springer). 79: 219-235. 2019 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

"Peacekeeping, Latin America and the UN Charter’s Chapter VIII: Past Initiatives and Future Prospects". International Peacekeeping. 26 (3): 327-353. 2019 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

"Hegemonic Distortions: The Securitisation of the Insurgency in Thailand's Deep South, with Jun Yan Chang". TRaNS: Trans –Regional and –National Studies of Southeast Asia. 7 (2): 209-232. 2019 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole with Alberti, Carla

Jenne, Nicole with Alberti, Carla

"Getting Prepared to Be Prepared: How Interpersonal Skills Aid Fieldwork in Challeng- ing Contexts". Qualitative Sociology Review. 15(3):42-62. 2019 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole with Duarte Villa, Rafael

Jenne, Nicole with Duarte Villa, Rafael

“By all necessary means? Emerging powers and the use of force in peacekeeping” Journal Contemporary Security. 41 (3): 407-431. 2019 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole with Gonzalez Guyer, Julián

Jenne, Nicole with Gonzalez Guyer, Julián

Controlling Blue Berets: The Consequences of Political Neglect in the Case of Uruguay’a Participation in Peacekeeping Armed Forces & Society. 2019 Ver publicación
Mittiga, Ross

Mittiga, Ross

"What’s in a World? Du Bois and Heidegger on Politics, Aesthetics, and Foundings". Contemporary Political Theory. 18 (2):180-201. 2019 Ver publicación
Mittiga, Ross

Mittiga, Ross

"Allocating the Burdens of Climate Action: Consumption-based Carbon Accounting and the Polluter-Pays Principle" Transformative Climates and Accountable Governance. Elizabeth Edmonson and Stuart Gray (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan. 157-194. 2019 Ver publicación
Reyes, Francisca with Gelcich, S. - M. A. Rios

Reyes, Francisca with Gelcich, S. - M. A. Rios

"Early assessments of marine governance transformations: insights and recommendations for implementing new fisheries management regimes" Ecology and Society. 24(1):12. 2019 Ver publicación
Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Suárez-Cao, Julieta

Intergovernmental Relations: Determinants and Dynamics Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2019 Ver publicación
Suárez-Cao, Julieta con Le Foulon, Carmen y Alenda, Stéphanie

Suárez-Cao, Julieta con Le Foulon, Carmen y Alenda, Stéphanie

"¿Cuán similares son las actitudes de los hombres y las mujeres dirigentes? Brechas de género y moderación en la centro-derecha chilena" Economía y Política. 6(1): 31-58. 2019 Ver publicación
Urdinez, Francisco with Knoerich, Jan

Urdinez, Francisco with Knoerich, Jan

"Contesting Contested Multilateralism: Why the West Joined the Rest in Founding the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank" The Chinese Journal of International Politics. 12 (3): 333–370. 2019 Ver publicación

Agostinis, Giovanni & Palestini, Stefano

Agostinis, Giovanni & Palestini, Stefano

Agostinis, Giovanni & Palestini, Stefano   Constructing regionalism in South America: the cases of sectoral cooperation on transport infrastructure and energy Journal of International Relations and Development. 21 (1): 46–74. 2018 Ver publicación
Agostinis, Giovanni; Palestini, Stefano & Aydin, Umut with Figueroa, Nicolás

Agostinis, Giovanni; Palestini, Stefano & Aydin, Umut with Figueroa, Nicolás

"The Chilean Anti-cartel Experience: Accomplishments and Challenges" Review of Industrial Organization. 54:327–352. 2018 Ver publicación
Donoso, Alfonso

Donoso, Alfonso

"Inmigración y castigo. Contra las leyes de inadmisibilidad penal" Política y Gobierno 25 (1): 101-123. 2018 Ver publicación
Jenne, Nicole

Jenne, Nicole

When conquest would have paid: domestic mobilization and political constraints in the Thai-Cambodian border conflict 2008–2011 Global Change, Peace & Security. 30 (1): 17-36. 2018 Ver publicación
Mardones, Rodrigo

Mardones, Rodrigo

“The politics of citizenship education in Chile" The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education. Peterson A., Stahl G., Soong. 2018 Ver publicación
Palestini, Stefano & Closa, Carlos

Palestini, Stefano & Closa, Carlos

Tutelage and Regime Survival in Democracy Protection in Regional organizations. The case of Mercosur and Unasur World Politics. 70 (3). 2018 Ver publicación
Schulz, Carsten-Andreas

Schulz, Carsten-Andreas

"Territorial Sovereignty and the End of Inter-Cultural Diplomacy along the ‘Southern Frontier’" European Journal of International Relations. 25 (3): 878-903. 2018 Ver publicación
Schulz, Carsten-Andreas

Schulz, Carsten-Andreas

"Hierarchy Salience and Social Action: Disentangling Class, Status, and Authority in World Politics" International Relations. 33 (1): 88-108. 2018 Ver publicación
Schulz, Carsten-Andreas & Petersen, Mark

Schulz, Carsten-Andreas & Petersen, Mark

"Setting the Regional Agenda: A Critique of Post-Hegemonic Regionalism" Latin American Politics and Society 60(1): 102-127. 2018 Ver publicación