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Umut Aydin has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Washington, Seattle, and MA in Political Science from McGill University, Canada. Before joining the Institute, she was a Max Weber Post-Doctoral fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and assistant Professor of Political Science in Bogazici University, Turkey. She was a George C. Lamb Regulatory Fellow at the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in 2015, and visiting professor at Bogazici University in 2019-2020. Her areas of specialization are International Relations and International Political Economy.
Her work focuses on the relation between the state and markets in emerging economies. Her recent projects have focused on how international organizations and norms influence domestic politics and policies, in particular, their competition and regulatory policies and anti-corruption efforts. She is currently the principal investigator of the project FONDECYT Regular (2020-2022) titled “International Norms and Domestic Reforms: Anti-Corruption Policies in Chile and Peru”.
She is a member of Red de Politólogas.
Recent Publications
- 2023. “Embracing policy innovations from abroad: the role of learning in Chile’s anti-cartel reforms .” Policy y Politics 51(2): 250-270.
- 2022. “Rekabet Politikası .” in İktisat Politikası, Buket Alkan, Serkan Çiçek, Mustafa Eray Yücel (ed.s). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık. 331-354.
- 2021. “Emerging Middle Powers and the Liberal International Order.” International Affairs 97(5): 1377–94.
- 2021. “Attitudes toward Collusion in Chile” Journal of Competition Law & Economics. 17(1): 168–93
- 2020. with Javier Tapia. "Chile: A hybrid competition law and policy model" Concurrences 3-2020: 204-208.
- 2019. "Rule‐takers, rule‐makers, or rule‐promoters? Turkey and Mexico's role as rising middle powers in global economic governance" Regulation & Governance.
- 2019. “Regional Organizations and Durable Domestic Reforms?: The NAFTA, EU and Competition Laws in Mexico and Turkey,” Journal of European Integration 41(6): 745-761
- 2019. with Nicolás Figueroa. "The Chilean Anti-cartel Experience: Accomplishments and Challenges,” Review of Industrial Organization 54(2): 327-352.
- 2017. with Nicolás Figueroa. "Carteles: propuestas para un combate efectivo a la colusión." Propuestas para Chile, Concurso Políticas Públicas 2016. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.
- 2016. “Competition Law and Policy in Mexico: Successes and Challenges.” Law and Contemporary Problems 79(4): 155–86.
- 2016. with Tim Büthe. “Competition Law & Policy in Developing Countries: Explaining Variations in Outcomes; Exploring Possibilities and Limits.” Law and Contemporary Problems 79(4).
- 2014. “Who is afraid of globalisation? Turkish Attitudes towards Trade and Globalisation,” Turkish Studies 15(2): 322-340.
- 2014. with Kenneth P. Thomas (ed.s). Globalization and EU Competition Policy. Routledge
- 2013. with Kemal Kirisci. "With or Without the EU? Europeanisation of Asylum and Competition Policies in Turkey" South European Society and Politics (18)3: 375-395
- 2013. "Issue framing in the European Commission: State aid policy and the single market," Comparative European Politics, advance online publication January 14; doi: 10.1057/cep.2012.36
- 2012. with Kenneth P. Thomas. “The Challenges and Trajectories of EU Competition Policy in the Twenty-first Century” Journal of European Integration 34(6): 531-547.
- 2012. “Promoting Competition: European Union and the Global Competition Order” Journal of European Integration 34(6): 663-681.
- 2012. “Between Domestic Factors and the EU: Explaining the Emergence of the Turkish Competition Regime” Antitrust Bulletin 57(2): 303-335.
- 2011. “Uluslararasi Isbirligini Yeniden Dusunmek: Rekabet Politikasinda Duzenleyici Aglar Ornegi (Rethinking International Cooperation: Regulatory Networks in Competition Policy)” Uluslararasi Iliskiler 30:8 (July): 103-123.
- 2010. "The International Competition Network: Cooperation and Convergence in Competition Laws". Competition Journal 11(3): 51-78.
- 2007. “Promoting Industries in the Global Economy: Subsidies in OECD Countries, 1989-1995”. Journal of European Public Policy 14(1): 115-131.
Courses Taught
- Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales (pregrado)
- Introducción a la Economía Política Internacional
- Introducción a la Política Europea
- Economías Europeas: de las Guerras Mundiales a la Crisis de Deuda
- Economía Política Internacional (Magister y Doctorado)