+56 22354 7818
PhD in Government, Cornell University, United States. Master of Arts from the same university. Her area of specialization is comparative politics with a regional focus on Latin America. She researches topics related to the presidency and gender, and she uses mixed methods. She is a coordinator of the Mixed Methods Summer School that takes place every January at the Institute of Political Science.
Her first book How Women Win Presidential Elections in Latin America is under contract with Temple University Press. She has published academic articles in the journals Comparative Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Politics & Gender, PS: Political Science & Politics, Latin American Politics and Society, Politics, Groups and Identities, Journal of Politics in Latin America, and Revista de Ciencia Política. She has published twelve chapters in edited books.
Her doctoral thesis “Presidentas, Power and Pro-Women Change” won the American Political Science Association (APSA) award for best thesis in the category of women and politics.
She is the principal investigator of the Fondecyt Initiation Grant #11220371 “How Women Win the Presidency” (2022-25) and was the principal investigator of the Fondecyt Postdoctoral Grant #3190196 “The Rise of Female Presidential Candidates” (2019-22).
She has also received financial support from Fulbright-Hays, the American Political Science Association, and the Center for the Study of Conflict and Cohesion Social (COES), where she is an associate researcher. She is a member of the Red de Politólogas (Women Political Scientists Network). Her web site is www.reyes-housholder.com.
Publicaciones Recientes
- How Women Win Presidential Elections in Latin America. Bajo contrato con Temple University Press.
- “The Puzzle of Chile’s Resilient Support for Gender Parity.” 2024. Con Julieta Suárez-Cao y Javiera Arce-Riffo. PS: Political Science & Politics. 57(2), pp. 263–266
- “Gender, Corruption, and Presidential Politics.” 2024. Handbook on Gender and Corruption in Democracies. Edited by Emily Beaulieu Bacchus and Tiffany Barnes. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. pp. 204-16.
- “Gender Protests and Transgressive Tactics.” 2024. Con Rodolfo Disi y Valentina Paredes. En Social Protest and Conflict in Radical Neoliberalism: Chile, 2009-2020. Editado por Alfredo Joignant y Nicolás Somma. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 145-171.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine; Suárez-Cao, Julieta and Le Foulon, Carmen. 2023. Unpacking the Gendered Consequences of Protest-Driven Crises. Politics & Gender.
Le Foulon, Carmen and Reyes-Housholder, Catherine. 2021. Candidate sex, corruption and vote choice. Volume 69, Electoral Studies.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine, and Gwynn, Thomas. 2021 «Gendered Incentives, Party Support and Viable Female Presidential Candidates in Latin America». Comparative Politics.
O’Brien, Diana Z., y Catherine Reyes-Housholder. «Women and Executive Politics». En Oxford Handbook of Political Executives, editado por Rudy B. Andeweg, Robert Elgie, Ludger Helms, Juliet Kaarbo, y Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, 251-72. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine. 2020. «A Theory of Gender’s Role on Presidential Approval Ratings in Corrupt Times». Political Research Quarterly. 73(3); 540-555.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine. «A Constituency Theory for the Conditional Impact of Female Presidents».Comparative Politics. 51(3); 429–449.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine, Beatriz Roque, Catherine Reyes-Housholder, y Beatriz Roque. «Chile 2018: desafíos al poder de género desde la calle hasta La Moneda». Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 39, n.o 2 (2019): 191-216. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-090X2019000200191.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine. «Women Mobilizing Women: Candidates’ Strategies for Accessing the Presidency». Journal of Politics in Latin America 10, n.o 1 (2018): 69-97.
Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie A., y Catherine Reyes-Housholder. «Citizen responses to female executives: is it sex, novelty or both?» Politics, Groups, and Identities 5, n.o 3 (3 de julio de 2017): 373-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/21565503.2017.1283238.
Reyes-Housholder, Catherine. «Presidentas Rise: Consequences for Women in Cabinets?» Latin American Politics and Society 58, n.o 3 (2016): 3-25.
Cursos que imparte
- Análisis de Datos Políticos