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Profesor Asistente. Doctor (PhD) en Ciencia Política, Stanford University, EE.UU. Su tesis doctoral, “The Protestant Road to State Bureaucracy”, explica el surgimiento histórico de las burocracias estatales profesionales en la Europa moderno-temprana.
Su área general de investigación es la economía política histórica. En el ICP, enseña cursos de metodología cuantitativa de la investigación social.
El 2024 se adjudicó un Fondecyt de Iniciación #11240011 para el trienio 2024-2027, titulado “The Political Economy of Innovation and Research: Lessons from the British Enlightenment”.
Publicaciones Recientes
“The Protestant Road to Bureaucracy”. World Politics, 2023.
“Oppression Beyond Plantations: The Effect of Emancipation on Incarceration in Urban Buenos Aires” (with Guadalupe Tuñón). Journal of Politics. En prensa.
“Does Proportionality Increase Turnout? A Study of Adaptation to Oscillating Electoral Systems”. Comparative Political Studies. En prensa.
“Agglomeration and Creativity in Early Modern Britain” (with Gary W. Cox). Explorations in Economic History. En prensa.
2021. The Consolidation of Royal Control: Evidence from Northern Castile, 1352-1787. European Review of Economic History. 25(3): 447-466.
2021. Political Fragmentation, Rural-to-Urban Migration and Urban Growth Patterns in Western Eurasia, 800-1800 European Review of Economic History. 25(2): 203-222. (with Gary W. Cox).
2021. Political Corruption Cycles: High-Frequency Evidence from Argentina's Notebooks Scandal. Comparative Political Studies. 54 (3-4): 482-517.
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