Donoso, Alfonso

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Associate Professor. PhD in Politics (York, UK), MLitt in Philosophy (St. Andrews UK), Licenciatura in Philosophy (PUC, Chile).

His general areas of research are environmental ethics and justice, political theory and animals, non-anthropocentric rights, and general questions on political obligations and nonhumans.

He is Carson Fellow (2021) of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (LM University of Munich) and has taught on different topics in political philosophy and ethics, including environmental justice, animal ethics and theories of territorial rights, theories of punishment and criminalization in Chile and Europe. He has presented his work in different academic venues, including the universities of Edinburgh, Fribourg, Lucern, Hamburg, Nottingham, Oslo, the Bogazici University, LSE, and Royal Halloway.

He has been PI of the Fondecyt projects (State Research Grants) Towards a Theory of Ecological Justice (2016-2019) and A Study of the Liberal Limits of Coercion. The Cases of Penal Justice and Political Self-Determination (2011-2013). He is associate researcher of the project Political Philosophy Looks to Antarctica of the University of Oslo and PI of the project ¿Justicia Ecológica? Teoría Política, Justicia y Representación Política de la Naturaleza (Formación de Redes Internacionales, Conicyt/ANID).

He is currently working on two books, one dedicated to the idea of the non-anthropocentric state, and the second on animals in ethics and politics.



Recent Publications

  • 2021. "Valor Intrínseco en Antártica," Revista Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares 12/1. Forthcoming.

  • 2021. "Towards a New Framework for Rights of the Biotic Community," in Markku Oksanen and Daniel Corrigan (Eds.) Rights of Nature: A Re-Examination (London: Routledge). Forthcoming.

  • 2020, "New Politics: Sovereignty, Representation, and the Nonhuman," in Juan Carlos Castilla and Luca Valera (Eds.) Global Changes: Ethics, Politics and Environment in the Contemporary Technological World (Springer), pp.45-55.

  • 2019. "A Territorial Mediation in a Triangular Affair. Towards an Ecological Territorial Sovereignty," in Martin Hevia and Eduardo Rivera-López (Eds.) Controversies in Latin American Bioethics (Springer), pp.219-235.

  • 2018. "Inmigración y castigo. Contra las leyes de inadmisibilidad penal," Política y Gobierno 25(1): 101-123

  • 2017. "Representing Non-Human Interests," Environmental Values 26(5): 607-628.

  • 2017, con Alejandra Mancilla, "Doctors with Borders? An Authority-based Approach to the Brain Drain," South African Journal of Philosophy 36(1): 69-77.

  • 2015  "Justifying Liberal Retributive Justice: Punishment, Criminalization and Holistic Retributivism," Kriterion. LVI(132): 495-520.

  • 2015. "Commentaries on Criminal Law Conversations," Criminal Law and Philosophy 9(2):337-349.

  • 2014. "Traditional Retributivism," in Bruinsma, G. & Weisburd, D. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (New York: Springer), pp.5239-5249.

  • 2013. "Toward a Liberal Theory of Punishment: Locke, Property, and Individualism," World Political Science 8(1): 350-366.


Taught Courses

  • Ética y Justicia Ambiental (pregrado)
  • Teoría Política y Territorio (doctorado)